[DESCRIPTION] Empowering Children is especially designed for field practitioners seeking ways to encourage young people—particularly the marginalized—to become more involved in changing their circumstances. Through dozens of exercises and lessons, the book presents a variety of practical methods for engaging children in the development process—from assessments to evaluations. Discussions on issues such as personal empowerment, self-esteem, problem analysis, and child protection can equip leaders to help children serve as agents of change who understand how valuable they are. The book concludes with preparations for a community child participation plan.
From a Christian perspective, the realization that all children have dignity and are created in the image of God helps us to see that every child's input is valuable. The Bible's concepts of community, church, and mission further help us to see that God not only uses kids in his wonderful plan, but that he also wants all of his children—male, female, young, and old—to participate in his work in the world. [/DESCRIPTION][SUBTITLE]Principles, Strategies, and Techniques for Mobilizing Child Participation in the Development Process[/SUBTITLE][CREDIT] by: Ravi Jayakaran (Author) with Jennifer Orona [/CREDIT] [PAGES] 304 [/PAGES] [BINDING] Paperback [/BINDING] [PUBLISHER] William Carey Library [/PUBLISHER] [PUBLISHYEAR] 2011 [/PUBLISHYEAR]
Child participation involves encouraging and enabling children to make their own views known on the issues that affect them.
UNICEF State of the World's Children 2003: Child Participation [/ENDORSEMENT2]
Section One: Preparation
Lesson 1: Key Principles
Lesson 2: Essential Strategies
Lesson 3: Understanding Realities: Household Food Security Status
Lesson 4: Understanding Realities: Circumstances
Lesson 5: Understanding Realities: Culture and Prevailing Societal Attitudes
Lesson 6: Preparing and Equipping Ourselves
Lesson 7: Preparing the Team
Lesson 8: Preparing the Community
Section Two: Exercises Our Community
Exercise 1: Map of Their World
Exercise 2: Timeline
Exercise 3: Trends Analysis
Exercise 4: Gender Analysis
Exercise 5: Safety Profile A
Exercise 6: Safety Profile B Who We Are
Exercise 7: Matrix Ranking of Food
Exercise 8: Matrix Ranking of School Subjects
Exercise 9: Important Features of Children’s Lives
Exercise 10: Self-Esteem and Self-Worth Analysis
Exercise 11: Personal Empowerment Assessment Our Activities
Exercise 12: Entertainment and Innovation Profile
Exercise 13: Activity Profile
Exercise 14: Seasonal Activities
Exercise 15: Important Events in Children’s Lives
Exercise 16: Create Your Own Exercise! Problem Solving
Exercise 17: Problem Analysis
Exercise 18: Blessing Analysis
Exercise 19: Uncertainty Analysis
Exercise 20: Independence Assessment
Exercise 21: Causal Diagram of Disease
Exercise 22: Rapid Holistic Health Assessment Finding New Information
Exercise 23: Sources of New Information
Exercise 24: Significant Adults
Exercise 25: Finding Information in Difficult Situations
Exercise 26: Information about Community Resources Children’s Dreams for the Future
Exercise 27: Dreams Profile A
Exercise 28: Dreams Profile B
Exercise 29: Dreams Profile C
Exercise 30: Create Your Own Exercise!
Section Three: Special Considerations and Follow-Up
Lesson 1: Identifying Child Abuse
Lesson 2: Child Protection and Related Advocacy Issues
Lesson 3: Identifying Areas of Vulnerability Using the DEV Index
Lesson 4: Ensuring Children’s Participation through Monitoring and Evaluation by Children
Lesson 5: Carrying Out a Capacity/Vulnerability Analysis Using the Holistic Worldview Analysis Frame
Lesson 6: Preparing the Community’s Child Participation Plan